1. Child mentorship, counseling and guidance.
2. Capacity building and advocacy.
3. HIV/AIDS guidance and prevention.
4. Primary health education (hygiene and nutrition).
5. Child protection to the community and to the guardians.
6. Co-curricular activities for the children.
7. To keep children in school.
ELAHISTON ORPHANAGE AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION believes that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty within the community.
The Mirembe Village Community has a high dropout rate and a lack of schools in the area that feeds into the high unemployment rates in Uganda as a whole.
ELAHISTON plans to open Christian Centered Schools with classes from Nursery through Second Level. This will help alleviate the lack of schools in the area and will give more children an opportunity to go to school. The schools will teach and raise future generations of empowered leaders and good citizens of tomorrow who fear and serve God, hopefully reversing the current high dropout in existing schools in the Mirembe Village community.
Uganda has a high unemployment rate with many young adults unemployed.
ELAHISTON ORPHANAGE AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION plans to combat this with an economic development initiative that will address this issue by tapping into people’s creativity and potential by opening the ELAHISTON TRAINING CENTER.
THE CENTER will use businesspeople, Artisans and skilled laborers to help train Ugandans of all ages, educational backgrounds, and economic status in both business and physical labor, including but not limited to mechanics, builders, carpenters, joiners, woodworks, cooks, clothiers, and cosmeticians and more. In this, ELAHESTON shall be equipping Ugandans of all ages, educational backgrounds, and economic status in both business and practical skills.
Access to quality health services has been pinpointed as a challenge that the people of this community face. Mirembe Village has no Medical Center and Kangulumira Sub - County has only one hospital which accommodates a large number of patients on a daily basis. It is a long way away from our community. As a result, it causes many not to get service in tim
ELAHISTON ORPHANAGE AND COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION PLANS to transform the standards of health care by offering a patient-centered, holistic, and compassionate approach within a ELAHISTON COMMUNITY MEDICAL CENTRE that will emphasize the core values of patient care; respect, dignity, integrity, accountability, teamwork and stewardship, sharing the love of Jesus to the Glory of God in all we do.
In the most rural areas of Uganda, access to health care is challenging. In response to the needs of these communities EHAHISTON SOCIAL WORK DEPARTMENT will be partnering with ELAHISTON COMMUNITY MEDICAL CENTER and remote village leaders to organize health outreach events.
During health outreach events, social workers and health practitioners will travel to rural areas of Kayunga District to provide free services including malaria and HIV testing, dental check-ups and extractions, prenatal care, nutrition screenings, vaccinations, and counseling.